Halloween was one of my favorite holidays growing up. I mean, who doesn't love collecting a bunch of free candy?! While my days of dressing up are long gone (I always forget to buy costumes in time....oops), I still enjoy having some fun in my therapy room. As promised, here are a bunch of FREE activities you can do with your older students. I sorted them based on skill, but check them all out, as I'm sure you can target more then one goal in mixed groups. This should totally last you through the 31st...and if you're in the mood, a bit longer. Happy Halloween!!
Halloween Would You Rather Questions
Candy Corn Comprehension Passage
History of Halloween (These are 2-5th gr. reading level)
Halloween MI Graphic Organizer (Pair this with any comprehension passage)
Variety of Halloween themed NewsELA articles
Creepy Short Stories (READ MY DISCLAIMER): DISCLAIMER!!!: I shared these last year, but just so you know...some of these are a little disturbing. I only used select ones. The stories I found most appropriate for older students (7th grade and up) are: #3,7,25, and 26 (for this one, just edit out the bar part). Perhaps for HS students, you can find others. You can also edit as needed so they're more appropriate. My students loved them last year!
Halloween Context Clues & Idioms
Halloween Vocabulary Word List: Maybe you want to do your own vocabulary activity using words associated with halloween? Here is a nice sample list! If you want to find others, just google "halloween tier 2 vocabulary words."
Halloween Writing Prompts
Halloween Story Cube
Social Skills:
Candy Corn STEM Challenge (great for group activity)
Food Sorting FREEBIE
Candy Corn 100 Trials Open Ended Artic
Halloween Articulation Word List
Halloween Articulation, Language, and Social Skills Exit Slips
If you came across an activity you think I should share, let me know!
These are great! Thanks so much for sharing!